Newmarket councillors thought about buying the former Glenway golf course in 2008 but – for whatever reason – decided not to.
Years later, the details are still confidential and kept under wraps as the matter was dealt with in closed sessions of the Committee of the Whole on 17 March 2008 and a special Committee of the Whole on 28 April 2008.
This key information will be missing from tonight's Glenway Lessons Learned meeting.
This information was, additionally, never put before the Ontario Municipal Board at its Glenway Hearing last year when the adjudicator, in her written decision, observed:
“There is no evidence before the Board that the Town took any steps to acquire these lands for public open space and public park purposes.”
But now the Glenway Preservation Association has put in a Freedom of Information request to the Town to force disclosure.
There could be a million reasons why the Town decided not to buy. Maybe the owner was asking too much. Maybe preserving open space was not seen as a priority. Who knows?
But clearly there is no longer any justification in keeping this information under lock and key.
Current members of Newmarket Council, Tony Van Bynen, John Taylor, Tom Vegh, Dave Kerwin and Joe Sponga were councillors back in 2008. So too was former councillor Chris Emanuel.
NOTE: The Glenway “Lessons Learned” meeting is being held this evening at the Seniors’ Centre at Davis Drive opposite the Tannery at 7pm – 9pm.
The June 2015 edition of the Town's official newsletter "Newmarket Now!" says the meeting is at the Municipal Offices at 395 Mulock Drive. This is incorrect.