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- Written by Gordon Prentice
This morning I wander down to Newmarket Public Library to get some new information from Metrolinx on their much hyped plans for a 15 minute all-day two-way GO Train service on the Barrie Corridor. The first phase would bring the fast service to Aurora on our southern border.
I am a big fan of GO train expansion plans. What’s the alternative? Ford’s fantasy tunnel?
We need fast trains but we also want more details from Metrolinx. They can’t keep kicking the can down the road, promising answers tomorrow. And, in the meantime, serving up endlessly reheated announcements. (Graphic right: Newmarket GO station: the vision in 2017)
At the Metrolinx table I am joined by a little group of people pressing for answers on a variety of topics.
Questions (not difficult)
I have three straightforward questions to put to the Metrolinx staff which, unfortunately, they are unable to answer:
When will the Aurora-Toronto 15-minute service start?
When will Newmarket get the 15-minute service?
And how is it possible to get a 15-minute service to Newmarket without a grade separation at Davis Drive?
I’ve been asking these questions in one form or another for over a decade. And, astonishingly, still no answers. I am yelling into the void.
Timelines and deadlines
Metrolinx won’t commit to giving timelines or deadlines, But why not?
Are there capacity problems? Do they need more engineers? More construction workers? Are we dealing with another Eglinton Crosstown?
Or does Metrolinx need more money from the Province? If so, why is Ford giving away $3B next year to everyone in Ontario? Couldn’t that money be better spent? (Yes)
Do we need Grade Separations?
A few years ago, Metrolinx said it hoped to avoid hugely expensive grade separations by using sophisticated signalling allowing the barriers at the level crossings to stay down for relatively short periods. The trains will be electric with rapid acceleration and they will be shorter. Traffic would not back up significantly.
So, show us the math as it applies to the level crossing at Davis Drive. Metrolinx knows the trains will be shorter, faster and more frequent. So how long will the barriers stay down at Davis Drive with a 15-minute service?
Stumped for answers, the Metrolinx people say they could bring in the experts for a local Town Hall here in Newmarket. I am enthusiastic. I am standing next to Bob Kwapis, the affable councillor for Ward 5, who seems to like the idea. And now I am talking to someone from the Mayor’s Office who doesn’t rule it out but says local venues are booked up months in advance.
Just set a date.
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Click "read more" below for Me and Metrolinx: A Ten Year Engagement
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- Written by Gordon Prentice
On 24 October 2024 the long serving chair of York Regional Council, Wayne Emmerson, announced his retirement, two years early.
In an emotional farewell to members of the Regional Council he said his last day would be 29 November 2024.
So, why is he going now?
Emmerson, clearly exhausted, sees battles ahead with the Ford Government. And he no longer has the stamina for it. He says the Regional Council needs someone to:
“lead you through those changes for the next two years and the four years to come… these are going to be difficult for you all… so don’t dig your heels in. Work with it.”
Oh dear! That's his parting advice: Go with the flow.
Sounds like Ford has more plans up his sleeve for York Region - a big player whose population is greater than five Canadian provinces.
Power to appoint
The Better Municipal Governance Act 2022 gives the Province powers to appoint:
"The Head of Council for Niagara, Peel and York for the term of office beginning in 2022" (see Schedule 3)
The excuse for this power grab was a municipal reorganisation that never materialised.
Emmerson was appointed for a four year term but is hanging his hat up with two years still to go.
So will Doug Ford appoint a new Chair of York Regional Council or leave it to the Regional Council to pick one of their own?
Either way, it will be a moment of high drama in municipal politics.
Chris Raynor, the Regional Clerk, sets out the procedure for replacing Emmerson following the next Council meeting on 28 November 2024 but others fear a Ford ambush.
Markham Regional Councillor, Joe Li, who challenged Emmerson in 2022, tells the Regional Council on 7 November 2024 there are “rumours on the street” that Doug Ford is going to step in and appoint a new Chair.
Emmerson wearily tells Li:
“We will wait till the 28th and 29th at the end of this month and see where the chips fall. But I wouldn't listen to any rumours.”
A strong self confident Regional Council with views of its own has, from time to time, caused problems for Ford and his developer friends. That’s why the Province stripped the Regional Council of its planning powers on 1 July this year.
Ford will appoint
Newmarket Mayor, John Taylor, and former Newmarket-Aurora MPP, Chris Ballard, predict Ford will appoint Emmerson's successor.
I don't know.
Ford could go for someone already on the Regional Council or, more likely, bring in a new face from outside.
Many members of the Regional Council are non starters. Markham's Mayor, Frank Scarpitti, bizarrely wants to abolish all nine lower tier municipalities and create a new megacity. With these outlandish views no-one is betting on him. Former Provincial Liberal Leader and now Vaughan Mayor, the lacklustre Steven Del Duca, wants a full-scale municipal reorganisation with his Council taking over many services currently run by York Region. He, too, could never be a Ford pick in a million years. King's Mayor Steve Pellegrini is against Highway 413 so that rules him out. Newmarket Mayor, John Taylor, could do the job with his eyes closed. But his fellow Regional Councillors see him as dangerously progressive on some issues. He wouldn't be a Ford pick.
Who will Ford tap on the shoulder?
Who knows?
Ford is influenced by the last person he spoke to.
As we've seen over the years, he makes it up as he goes along.
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Update on 2 December 2024: From the Ontario Newsroom: Ford Government appoints former Police Chief Eric Jolliffe as new Chair of York Regional Councl. and from Newmarket Today: Appointment reeks of cronyism
Update on 3 December 2024: From the Era: Jolliffe was appointed to Committee to dismantle Peel
Click "Read more" on how we got here.
Read more: Will Doug Ford appoint the Chair of York Regional Council?
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- Written by Gordon Prentice
Two long running appeals to Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) requesting Southlake Regional Health Centre disclose key records relating to their now abandoned plans for a new acute hospital at Bathurst in the Protected Greenbelt have ended their so-called “mediation” phase. The appeals are to be transferred to an Adjudicator later this month who will decide whether to conduct an inquiry.
In the mediation phase of an appeal the IPC tries to get all the parties to reach a settlement. But if that is not possible and the matter is not fully settled
“an Adjudicator may conduct an Inquiry to dispose of some or all of the issues in the Appeal.”
The Adjudicator has powers to order the release of records that have been withheld.
The IPC’s Code of Procedure which guides the process is here.
Preliminary Concept Plan
Southlake has repeatedly refused to release its “Preliminary Concept Plan” and records showing the location of the proposed hospital and other buildings considered for construction on the Rice lands. Southlake is withholding records on the grounds that (a) information had been supplied by third parties which should not be made public, and (b) disclosure would adversely affect the economic and other interests of Ontario. (This catchall provision protects records where disclosure could allegedly damage an institution's economic or other interests.)
Southlake relies on sections 17 and 18 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The records at issue include those parts of the draft and final Southlake Land Solutions Report which was released in a heavily redacted form and Southlake’s own land solutions report, again heavily redacted, which was presented to the first meeting of the Board’s Land Acquisition Sub Committee. Also in play are various drawings.
Public Interest Override
A second appeal concerns records within the category of Southlake’s “Capital Projects” file. These records include site sketches and various email chains. Again, Southlake relies on the s17 and s18 provisions of the Act to withhold records relating to third party information and the “economic and other interests of Ontario”.
The Adjudicator is also being asked to consider applying the “public interest override” (s23 of the Act) which would set aside the s17 and s18 exemptions.
The Act says exemption from disclosure of a record under sections 17 and 18 (and other specified sections) does not apply
“where a compelling public interest in the disclosure of the record clearly outweighs the purpose of the exemption.”
This is manifestly the case here. We need to know the truth of what happened.
Crisis of Conscience
Two years ago, on Tuesday 1 November 2022, the developer Michael Rice offered land for a new hospital to Southlake’s then Chief Executive, Arden Krystal. Rice bought the 2.7 sq km tract of Greenbelt land in the rural Municipality of King on 15 September 2022 for $80M.
At that meeting Rice’s presentation to Arden Krystal and Southlake’s Vice President of Capital Facilities and Business Development, John Marshman, showed a plan of the Bathurst lands with the Southlake logo straddling the Rice lands and those to the south owned by land agent and former Southlake Board member, John Dunlap. This has never been explained.
On 16 November 2022 Marshman met Rice at his Markham HQ. It is inconceivable there would have been no discussion about the hospital location.
Land Acquisition Sub Committee
On 5 December 2022 Marshman chaired the first meeting of Southlake Board’s Land Acquisition Sub Committee which again placed the proposed hospital on lands owned by Rice and Dunlap. The colour coding highlighting lands owned by Rice, prominent in the first presentation on 1 November 2022, had been removed for this meeting.
Earlier, on either 28 or 29 September 2022 at the Rice Group’s HQ, Michael Rice handed over documents, maps and plans to Ryan Amato, then Chief of Staff to Housing Minister, Steve Clark. There was no mention of a hospital on the Bathurst lands.
Rice apparently had a crisis of conscience and told the Integrity Commissioner, David Wake, that he had promised to make land available for a new hospital and he was going to stick with it. Rice did not say who was given this promise.
The RCMP's criminal investigation into “allegations associated to the decision from the Province of Ontario to open parts of the Greenbelt for development” was launched on 10 October 2023. It is ongoing.
Southlake launches new site selection process
Elsewhere... Newmarket Today (Monday 4 November) reports that Southlake is launching a new site selection process for a new acute hospital - not on the Greenbelt or Oak Ridges Moraine. (Own 40 acres of developable land? Southlake wants to hear from you)
The hospital plans to announce the new location in Spring 2025.
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See also: Timeline
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- Written by Gordon Prentice
What will Dawn Gallagher Murphy MPP do with the $200 “rebate” she will be getting early next year?
She thinks the handout is a great idea.
But I am left wondering what our Progressive Conservative MPP is going to do with this unexpected windfall.
I think she should tell us.
Everyone gets the money
The Gallagher Murphy household will be $600 better off with Ford’s “special rebate” which will go to 15M people in Ontario at a cost of $3 Billion.
I can see her celebrating with a couple of bottles of the LCBO’s Bollinger Special Cuvée Brut Champagne.
The $3 billion giveaway will go to everyone, from the worker on minimum wage (currently $17.20 per hour) to Ontario’s army of millionaires and billionaires.
It is a sobering thought that Toronto alone has roughly 106,000 individuals with liquid investable wealth of at least US$1 million last year, putting the city 13th in the global rich list.
Borrowing to pay for handout
The Ford Government is running a deficit which means borrowing money to pay for the “special rebate.”
Dawn Gallagher Murphy’s former boss, Christine Elliott, would not have been amused.
In opposition at Queen’s Park, she spent years scolding the Liberals for spending money they didn’t have:
“Deficit financing is anathema to Conservatives”
because that means
“we are paying more and more in interest payments”
Last week’s Fall Economic Statement shows the projected interest payments in coming years. (See below)
It shows the Province shelling out more in debt interest payments than it spends on, say, post-secondary education.
Debt load highest
In April 2024 the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario reported that Ontario’s net debt per capita was $19,436 in 2022, the highest among the provinces and $9,997 above the rest of Canada average:
“Ontario’s higher relative net debt results from its frequent budget deficits, which have typically been larger than the average budget deficit in the rest of Canada.”
Buying Votes
The rebate is, of course, designed to buy votes in the forthcoming Provincial election, widely expected next year.
If Ford were serious about helping people on lower incomes he could change the tax code and Provincial tax rates.
A News Release from the Minister of Finance, Peter Bethlenfalvy, tells us:
“Providing a $200 taxpayer rebate early next year, which would give immediate relief for Ontario families in the face of high interest rates and the federal carbon tax. This proposed $200 taxpayer rebate would be sent to all eligible adults in Ontario who have filed their 2023 Income Tax and Benefit Return by December 31, 2024. Eligible families would receive an additional $200 for each child under 18.”
So we are getting the money to offset, amongst other things, the federal carbon tax.
But, whoa!
The CBC reminds us:
“The controversial federal carbon tax is a frequent target for Ford and his ministers, who have repeatedly called for Ottawa to get rid of the levy. A 2023 analysis found a clear majority of Canadian households receive associated rebates that are larger than the carbon taxes they pay, and that scrapping the rebates would have a disproportionate negative impact on lower-income families.”
This is an inconvenient truth for Gallagher Murphy who parrots Ford's attacks on the so-called Carbon Tax at every opportunity.
Worthy cause
I suppose Gallagher Murphy could donate her $200 rebate to Southlake or some other worthy cause. And knowing her, it would have to be done in a blaze of publicity.
$200 could buy eight hours help from a personal support worker whose average wage in Ontario is around $24 per hour.
Or two bottles of Bollinger.
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- Written by Gordon Prentice
At 2.59pm on Saturday 19 October 2024 the Chair of the Newmarket-Aurora Federal Liberal Association told members and supporters by email that the Association was searching for a new candidate to replace Tony Van Bynen who is retiring.
Matt Gunning invited the riding’s Liberals to suggest suitable people to the Search Committee who would take it from there.
He told members he was looking forward to hearing from them!
The rigorous process of selecting a candidate worthy of representing the riding in the Federal Parliament would then begin.
At 1.40pm on Tuesday 22 October 2024 the very same members of the Liberal Party in Newmarket-Aurora were informed that the Party’s candidate in the next Federal election would be Jennifer McLachlan. She was acclaimed.
The Search Committee didn’t have to do much searching. It was all stitched up a long time ago.
Jennifer McLachlan apparently works from time to time in Van Bynen’s office.
McLachlan wants to be Prime Minister
On 22 June 2022 Newmarket Today told us the Cachet Supper Club owner Jennifer McLachlan was working toward a new career or two.
But she also has her sights set on entering the political world as a future candidate. She said she will spend more time working at Newmarket-Aurora MP Tony Van Bynen’s office once she departs Cachet.
“I want to be prime minister. I told (Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) to his face when he was here last year.”
“I said it this way: ‘I’m not saying you’re doing a bad job, and I’m not that gal. But I would like someone to mentor me because I’d like to take over when you’re done.’”
Alas, her plans may be cruelly thwarted.
The ambitious Jennifer McLachlan may not be in Parliament by the time Trudeau is done.
The whole episode illustrates the complete corruption of Team Trudeau’s phoney “nomination process”.
Party members are invited to help select a new candidate and 71 hours later are presented with a fait accompli.
Not even the pretence of going through the motions.
Of course, it’s not just Team Trudeau that stitches things up.
Newmarket-Aurora’s MPP, Dawn Gallagher Murphy, worked as Christine Elliott’s Constituency Office Manager before being hand-picked by Doug Ford to be the Progressive Conservative candidate at the last Provincial election in 2022.
The nomination procedures of political parties in Canada are crying out to be independently monitored and regulated.
It is not just China and India that are trying to put compliant MPs into the Ottawa Parliament.
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Update on 25 October 2024: This morning at 9.20am (Friday) I received a call from a senior, long-standing member of the Newmarket-Aurora Federal Liberal Riding Association telling me I should have “checked my facts” before posting my blog on the acclamation of Jennifer McLaughlan. He said the nomination process in Newmarket-Aurora had been lengthy.
I’ve asked him for copies of all emails and other communications to Liberal Party members and supporters in Newmarket Aurora which relate to the nomination and selection of a candidate for the upcoming Federal election. As soon as I have these to hand I shall post them in their entirety.
My blogs express my opinions. I do not post information that I know to be false or inaccurate.
In my 23 October 2024 blog I included a link to an Andrew Coyne piece in the Globe and Mail on 26 September 2024. He writes:
“… in the last Liberal leadership race, potential voters were not even required to purchase a membership, but only to declare themselves “supporters,” severing the last remaining link in the evidentiary chain, the credit-card receipt.
Historically, party nomination and leadership races, and the shenanigans attending thereto, have mostly been a source of entertainment for the rest of us: If they tended to be crooked, that was a matter for the crooks to settle amongst themselves. But when these races are being gamed, not by colourful local fixers, but by sinister foreign dictatorships, the whole business loses its Runyonesque charm.”
Update on 29 October 2024 from the CBC: The Government's days are numbered
19 October 2024:
Dear Newmarket-Aurora Federal Liberal members and supporters;
Our current Member of Parliament, Tony Van Bynen has announced his retirement from politics and his decision to not seek another term. As a result, your Federal Liberal Riding Association has formed a Candidate Search Committee, with the goal of identifying potential candidate nominees for further review by the National Candidate Search Committee and subsequently for voting on when our Candidate Nomination Meeting takes place.
We are inviting all supporters of our Newmarket-Aurora federal riding to put forward names of community members who may be interested in seeking the nomination and who you feel deserve consideration. Please send names, contact information, and a brief note about why you are recommending them for inclusion in our search process. We look forward to hearing from you!
Matt Gunning
Chair, Newmarket-Aurora Federal Liberal EDA
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22 October 2024:
We’re pleased to share that Jennifer McLachlan has been acclaimed as the Liberal Candidate for Newmarket--Aurora in the next federal election, and will continue building on our hard work to keep Canada moving forward.
With a strong focus on important new engagement with Canadians, the Team Trudeau nominations process helps ensure we’re ready to re-elect our dedicated Liberal team in Parliament and continue to elect even more talented, diverse, and hardworking community leaders as Liberal MPs across Canada, whenever the next campaign eventually arrives.
As we look forward to the important work ahead of us, the hope and hard work of Liberals across Canada will ensure our candidates and teams are ready to run competitive campaigns and earn another mandate from Canadians – including right here in Newmarket--Aurora.
For more information on the nomination process, please click here.
Thank you for all that you do.
Terry Duguid & Soraya Martinez Ferrada
National Campaign Co-Chairs
Liberal Party of Canada
Update on 24 October 2024 from Newmarket Today
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